
AML policy

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy

1. Introduction: is committed to combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. This Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy outlines our commitment to identifying and mitigating risks associated with these illicit activities.

2. Customer Due Diligence (CDD): 2.1. Identity Verification: We conduct thorough customer due diligence to verify the identity of all users before providing services. This includes collecting government-issued identification documents, such as passports or national identity cards. 2.2. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): Enhanced due diligence is performed for high-risk customers, such as politically exposed persons (PEPs) or those with complex ownership structures. 2.3. Ongoing Monitoring: We continuously monitor customer transactions and activities to identify any suspicious behavior or patterns.

3. Know Your Customer (KYC) Procedures: 3.1. KYC Documentation: Users are required to provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process, including personal details and contact information. 3.2. Transaction Monitoring: We monitor transactions for unusual or suspicious activities, including large transactions, frequent transfers, or transactions to high-risk jurisdictions. 3.3. Customer Screening: We screen customers against relevant sanctions lists, politically exposed persons (PEPs) databases, and other watchlists to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

4. Reporting Suspicious Activities: 4.1. Internal Reporting: Our employees are trained to recognize and report any suspicious activities to the designated compliance officer. 4.2. External Reporting: We cooperate with law enforcement agencies, financial intelligence units (FIUs), and regulatory authorities by promptly reporting any suspicious transactions or activities.

5. Compliance Oversight: 5.1. Compliance Officer: We appoint a dedicated compliance officer responsible for overseeing AML compliance efforts and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements. 5.2. Compliance Training: Our employees receive regular training on AML policies, procedures, and regulatory developments to enhance their awareness and understanding of AML obligations.

6. Recordkeeping: 6.1. Transaction Records: We maintain comprehensive records of customer transactions, including transactional data, customer identification information, and supporting documentation. 6.2. Retention Period: Transaction records are retained in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and may be made available to regulatory authorities upon request.

7. Risk Assessment: 7.1. Risk-Based Approach: We conduct periodic risk assessments to identify and assess money laundering and terrorist financing risks associated with our business activities. 7.2. Risk Mitigation Measures: Based on the risk assessment findings, we implement appropriate risk mitigation measures to address identified risks effectively.

8. AML Compliance Review: 8.1. Independent Review: We conduct periodic reviews of our AML policies, procedures, and controls to ensure their effectiveness and compliance with regulatory requirements. 8.2. Audit Trails: We maintain audit trails documenting AML compliance efforts, including reviews, assessments, and remediation actions taken.

9. Conclusion: is committed to maintaining a robust AML compliance program to detect and prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. We continuously strive to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all our business operations.